Choose GREEN POWER CURRENT from nrg for your home

The Subscription nrg GREEN enables you to obtain the GREEN Certificate for your home and / or apartment building and to actively contribute to the protection of the environment.

By selecting the nrg GREEN Subscription, nrg grants you Guarantees of Origin (OP) from Renewable Energy Sources and / or High Performance Heat Cogeneration Systems (CHP) as provided in its provisions (D6 / Φ1 / inc.8786 / 06.05.2010, Government Gazette 646 B / 14.05.2010).

  • The Guarantees of Origin are the electronic certificates that certify that for the electricity you consumed in a given time, nrg has exclusively committed to your name, Equal Energy, produced by Certified Renewable Energy Sources!

All nrg customers will be informed of their Guaranteed Origin Guarantees, depending on the consumption they have made at home.

Support GREEN energy produced from 100% Renewable Energy Sources too.

Get the nrg GREEN Subscription easily and simply!

The GREEN Certificate of nrg will be revoked for the client upon request to DAPEEP SA Information System. In accordance with a specific ministerial decision and the Government Gazette, a certificate is issued by the administrator to certify the revocation, which includes:

  • the production period to which it corresponds
  • the unique number of Guarantees of Origin withdrawn on behalf of the Customer
  • power generation technology
  • the name of the producer to which the installation belongs and the location of the installation.